Barnes and Noble Sheep No More the Art of Awareness and Attack Survival

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Jan 17, 2018 rated it it was ok
First off, I have a lot of respect for folks that lay their lives on the line for their fellow countrymen. This review does not reflect whatsoever disdain for the author or his message. I gave this book 2 stars considering it is poorly written, plain and simple. This is "goodreads" afterall. Mr. Gilliam's message is an important i: pay attending to your surroundings, it might save your live. He further breaks it down in a deliberately simple way that basically says "remember like your attacker, then switc Beginning off, I have a lot of respect for folks that lay their lives on the line for their fellow countrymen. This review does not reflect any disdain for the author or his message. I gave this volume two stars because it is poorly written, manifestly and simple. This is "goodreads" afterall. Mr. Gilliam's message is an important 1: pay attention to your surroundings, it might salvage your live. He farther breaks it down in a deliberately simple style that basically says "call back like your attacker, then switch to thinking like a defender, and then get dorsum and along until you are very familiar with both sides." Once more, very good advice, only I recollect Mr. Gilliam dumbed it down As well much, and we are left with a existent expert that is holding back on how to make that sensation more applicative. I recollect that the author would have done better to rent someone to help him write this book, considering it would have probably been more than useful and more than enjoyable to read (that last part not being the indicate of the book, but it would certainly assist). For the tape, I would dearest to read a biography of the author. You get a sense from reading this volume that the guy knows exactly what he is talking almost (his qualifying credentials are impeccable) and I bet he has lived one hell of an interesting life. ...more
Clay Davis
Feb 03, 2020 rated it really liked it
Some good, mutual sense communication for keeping yourself and loved ones safe. The book cover is bizarre with the author's head being cut in 2 with an American flag. Some good, common sense communication for keeping yourself and loved ones safety. The book cover is bizarre with the author's head existence cutting in two with an American flag. ...more
Patrick O'Hannigan
Short Version: There is valuable advice in this book, but you have to dig for it. Many of the things that Gilliam calls "example studies" are anecdotes at best, and the editor at his publishing house was careless near enforcing agreement in number between subjects and verbs.

Long entertaining version:

Jonathan Gilliam's Sheep No More aims to be the "safety bible" that "links the leading adept on personal prophylactic with civilians." That appetite is only partly realized. While Gilliam'south volume is a welcom

Brusk Version: There is valuable advice in this book, but yous have to dig for it. Many of the things that Gilliam calls "instance studies" are anecdotes at all-time, and the editor at his publishing house was careless about enforcing agreement in number between subjects and verbs.

Long entertaining version:

Jonathan Gilliam'southward Sheep No More aims to exist the "safety bible" that "links the leading expert on personal safety with civilians." That ambition is only partly realized. While Gilliam'south book is a welcome addition to preparedness literature, its jargon-laden style and sloppy editing keep it from becoming the stellar resource that Gilliam hoped for. That failure lies more with the publisher than with the author himself, because the elves at Mail service Hill Printing should have done a better job of pushing Gilliam by rookie mistakes in grammer and presentation.

It does non rob Sheep No More than of its thunder to say that Gilliam's communication boils downward to cultivating heightened awareness of your surroundings and learning to switch apace between "attacker" and "defender" mindsets. You lot tin can exercise those things without martial arts preparation or a concealed-carry permit, but if you are not fluent in the jargon of security-speak, you might wonder why subheadings like "Populating the Target Equation" and "Vehicle Surveillance (Close)" were not flagged for rewrite. My estimate is that Gilliam'south feel intimidated the people working with his manuscript, else somebody would have pointed out that "populating the target equation" is much clearer when rephrased every bit "evaluating your own weaknesses."

Similar other special forces operators who'd rather exist doing something than explaining it to supervisors afterward, Gilliam'due south long career on the pointy finish of public service imbues his writing with a gelled attending to the rules of engagement. He admits to hammering at the aforementioned points several times, but says that redundancy helps bulldoze lessons home. What he does not see is the related problem of using more words than he needs to. For instance, Gilliam predicted that Times Square would exist targeted by a car bomber more than a year before that happened on May 1, 2010.

That was, in retrospect, an easy call for an FBI agent in New York doing threat assessments to make, just the bombing try surprised other people. Looking back at information technology, Gilliam writes that "what differentiated my threat assessments was that I had been paying close attention to the changing shift in tactics existence used by Islamic attackers overseas." A confident editor might take helped him encounter that a shift is a modify, and and so that sentence has 1 word too many. Extra words here and at that place pass unnoticed until readers start to see how many there are. Past and so, Gilliam sounds like an impatient NCO briefing a dim-witted superior.

Gilliam has difficulty with agreement between subjects and verbs. Following successful consulting piece of work for a hotel, he writes that "Not only had these iii simple changes made real proactive differences in rubber, information technology actually profited the visitor tremendously in the finish." His copy editor should take noticed that after referring to "changes" collectively, you must so say that "they" profited the company.

Did the editor take an off day? It may have been an off week. Gilliam doesn't mention that the inspiration for his title comes from Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, who famously divided society into sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs while summarizing his pioneering research into violence. That context would have been a dainty addition.

Gilliam writes that "anyone experienced in nefarious tactics" can see through "security theatrics" and "are in no style deterred by them." Fifty-fifty a newly-minted graduate of Editing 101 would fix that to read " not deterred." Ten pages later, in an chestnut about a friend who read an early typhoon of the manuscript, Gilliam recalls that "Her first comments after reading the draft was that the writing was expert, only information technology seemed to exist a bit repetitive." Had the judgement said "comments...were," the pat on the back about writing would look less like a sumo wrestler at a gymnastics meet.

As much as I wanted to ignore impuissant syntax like "Envision yourself as the person faced with this awareness situation and decides to come up with the plans of action," I found that I could not. Discipline-verb agreement matters. Parallel structure matters. When those things are send-shape, idiosyncratic give-and-take pick doesn't brand me cringe. Just when they aren't, and I read a judgement like "Really," her friends laughed, "you accept a high-speed flashlight in your handbag?" (p. 176), I ask myself why nobody thought to wonder what a "loftier-speed" flashlight was, or right that malapropism then that people referred instead to a "high-powered" flashlight (which is probably what they said anyway).

In a slap at the premise of a acknowledged 1997 book by Gavin De Becker, Gilliam writes that fear is non a gift, information technology'south "an emotion that's sole purpose is to make you lot fight or flee in times of great stress and danger." That rejoinder suggests that Gilliam misunderstands De Becker, whose book praised intuition and treated fear as a symptom of that without denying its "fight or flight" purpose. An editor who'd read The Gift of Fear would have asked Gilliam to explain his scornful dismissal of De Becker. In this instance equally in other parts of the manuscript, negligent oversight robs Sheep No More of force it could have had, because Gilliam is every fleck the good he claims to be.

On the positive side of the ledger, off the hobby horse named "Grammar and Syntax," Sheep No More has solid advice about the safest manner for any traveling family to go through airport security gates. Gilliam too offers a rousing pep talk most the futility of "learned helplessness," and checklists to help civilians try on both aggressor and defender mindsets. He'south an interesting man and a competent fill-in for talk radio host Sean Hannity. Too bad he got sub-standard support from his publishing team. While Sheep No More taught me a few useful strategies for cocky-defense, it was more exasperating than informative, and made me want to edit Gilliam'due south side by side manuscript.

...more than
Mar 12, 2018 rated it information technology was ok
Having listened to Mr. Gilliam'south very insightful and intelligent commentaries on Sirius/XM Radio's Patriot aqueduct, I looked forward with great anticipation to reading his book. I was underwhelmed instead. Chapter three on "Charting Target Package Information" was totally disruptive to me. There were several recollections from Mr. Gilliam which I found mostly irrelevant and useless for my purposes. So, throughout the book Mr. Gilliam reiterates his "expert" groundwork with much self-aggrandizem Having listened to Mr. Gilliam'due south very insightful and intelligent commentaries on Sirius/XM Radio's Patriot channel, I looked forrard with great anticipation to reading his volume. I was underwhelmed instead. Chapter three on "Charting Target Package Information" was totally confusing to me. There were several recollections from Mr. Gilliam which I plant by and large irrelevant and useless for my purposes. Then, throughout the book Mr. Gilliam reiterates his "expert" background with much self-aggrandizement. While I appreciate Mr. Gilliam's sacrifice and service to his country, merely say information technology in the liner notes or once in the text. While it did take its moments and I gleaned a small amount of useful information, information technology could have been SO MUCH better with charts, graphs, and illustrations. Perhaps a ghost author and some serious editing would have helped. Information technology was a waste of $17.21 for me. If you're looking for data on how to keep y'all and/or your family unit rubber out at that place, keep looking because at that place HAS to be a better format. ...more
Cyndie Courtney
May 26, 2018 rated it liked it
Recommended to Cyndie by: Dave Johnson
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click hither. A friend and colleague, who has relatively different political views than I practice, recommended this to me. Firstly, the book does make some good points about areas of our life where we may overly rely on things "simply beingness fine" or on our institutions to protect united states of america. Unfortunately, there were also some rather large holes in the logic of this book.

He discusses how whatever defensive strategy can open up yous up to new threats. Notwithstanding, he fails to point out that being constantly on guard for threats is its ow

A friend and colleague, who has relatively unlike political views than I practice, recommended this to me. Firstly, the book does make some good points nearly areas of our life where we may overly rely on things "just existence fine" or on our institutions to protect us. Unfortunately, there were as well some rather large holes in the logic of this book.

He discusses how whatever defensive strategy can open you up to new threats. Still, he fails to signal out that existence constantly on guard for threats is its ain threat. His own personal feel highlights these. He ended up on the wrong stop of a gun when he was mistaken for a home invader every bit a immature boy. Statistics evidence that guns are much more likely to end up hurting their owners than protecting them against a criminal or threat. At some point, profiling people based on religion or race may actually fuel the radicalization that is creating the threat in the outset place. Even the emotional stress of beingness scared all the time takes a physical toll, with increased cortisol suppressing our immune arrangement. At what point is the defensive strategy more unsafe than the potential threat? That is something important to keep in mind.

Additionally, he discusses how we tin can never completely eliminate the possibility of an attack. While this is true, at that place is no mode we can ever exist prepared for every possibility. (See The Black Swan for more than data on how bad we are at assessing possibilities) Still, does that hateful it'south non worthwhile to work with our institutions to change the probability or severity of different types of attacks?

Ane nit-picky thing that was just a niggling irritating is that he likewise doesn't understand the concept of learned helplessness. This comes from psychological studies where dogs were shocked over and over again and eventually larn to just tolerate existence harmed. Hither is generally talking about people who have been by and large condom and accept come to trust that safety, this is fundamentally unlike considering people with inexperience and trust yet have the power to become more wary if experience teaches them they should exist, those with learned helplessness have merely accepted that they volition be harmed and have stopped trying to protect themselves.

In any case, I'm glad I elected to read this volume if for no other reason to go a better idea of how someone with really different ideas thinks.

Pedro Rustizu
Dec 10, 2018 rated it did not like it
A paranoid, right wing, pretentious (ever reminding the reader he was a erstwhile navy seal, air marchal, fbi amanuensis blablabla) and with him the danger is at any corner. If he didn't say in the book he lives in Manhattan i would say he probably lives in Sudan, Syria, Iraq or some other country in conflict. A paranoid, correct wing, pretentious (always reminding the reader he was a quondam navy seal, air marchal, fbi agent blablabla) and with him the danger is at any corner. If he didn't say in the book he lives in Manhattan i would say he probably lives in Sudan, Syria, Iraq or some other country in conflict. ...more than
Sep 19, 2020 rated information technology it was ok
I didn't get much out of it, which was disappointing. Information technology'south mostly a call to be more than enlightened and prepared, with few concrete cocky-defense tips. A lot of the content is for government officials, authorities, and leaders of organizations, not individuals or families. There are many detailed stories to illustrate concepts.

Parts one and 2 are about understanding how attackers think and then you tin be more aware. Parts 3 and 4 are about how to avoid attacks and defend yourself if necessary.

The author has serve

I didn't become much out of it, which was disappointing. It's mostly a call to exist more aware and prepared, with few concrete self-defense tips. A lot of the content is for regime officials, government, and leaders of organizations, not individuals or families. There are many detailed stories to illustrate concepts.

Parts one and 2 are most agreement how attackers think so you can exist more enlightened. Parts three and 4 are about how to avoid attacks and defend yourself if necessary.

The author has served xx+ years equally a Navy SEAL, Federal Air Marshal, FBI special agent, and police officer. Unfortunately, he comes across as arrogant and somewhat abrasive.

What Is an Attack?
If someone is violently upset with you, walk or drive abroad, unless y'all're being physically assaulted, or someone is imminent danger. If yous hurt someone, even if you're in the correct, you face years of legal costs and untold stress.

Charting Target Package Data
Write the sectors of your family life (home, piece of work, school, etc.). For each sector, write critical assets, areas, times.
• Disquisitional assets: facilities, systems, equipment that could be targeted
• Critical areas: areas more likely to exist targeted
• Critical times: times when a critical area is nether college threat

Before attending a busy event, consider whether it could exist a terrorist target, and either don't attend, or attend simply stay in areas more defended from a potential attack.

Few materials will stop bullets; don't count on average doors, walls, piece of furniture to do it.

Information technology's better to escape attackers than to hibernate from them.

Know escape routes whenever you enter a building or area.

Fearfulness Is Not A Gift
To increase chances of surviving a mass killing, run or fight; don't hibernate or lie down.

I Last Case Report
US State Section website warns about dangers when traveling to other countries.

James Wirrell
This book had some very expert points to make, merely I plant it to be somewhat repetitive (and yeah I realize that this was intentional by the author so that key points would be drilled into the readers) and a bit too full of jargon. Gilliam makes excellent points that we need to take responsibility for our ain safety, his attack and defend epitome is right on (though I thought it was rather obvious and not new to me), and he gives a good framework for how people can break down their own vulnerabili This book had some very adept points to brand, but I establish it to be somewhat repetitive (and yes I realize that this was intentional by the author so that key points would be drilled into the readers) and a bit also full of jargon. Gilliam makes excellent points that we demand to accept responsibleness for our own safety, his set on and defend paradigm is right on (though I idea it was rather obvious and not new to me), and he gives a good framework for how people tin can intermission downward their ain vulnerabilities. And so I would highly recommend this for the boilerplate person who is interested in beginning the process. This volume is too helpful, though a bit repetitive, for those who are already farther along this though process. Gilliam does accost, and gives example of, situations in which you might observe yourself in a larger context over which you don't accept much command. While he gives tips in what problems might occur, and that is good to gear up, the reality is that in many areas the choice is to either put yourself in danger or avoid it completely. So, for example, if you want to visit Times Square in New York City, y'all will know that you will be in serious danger, and NYC actively prevents you lot from carrying cocky-defense weapons, but Gilliam's volume does at least permit you to fix mentally for the possible mayhem that might come. And that is worth something. So, I practice recommend this book. I would have preferred that there be more packed in, but it is a skilful beginning volume. ...more
Brian Meadows
This book probably doesn't live up to the title but is nonetheless probably worth reading. There is good reason that it'southward not everything you lot recollect it might be because there would be a limitless number of scenarios that could occur to whatever individual. Therefore, it is more of a full general way of thinking things through to avoid a possible set on by a structured analysis and having a plan to prevent and a plan of what should do if an attack should occur. Basically, it's a matter of role playing in your mind This book probably doesn't live up to the title just is still probably worth reading. There is proficient reason that information technology's not everything you think it might be because at that place would be a limitless number of scenarios that could occur to whatsoever individual. Therefore, it is more of a full general way of thinking things through to avert a possible attack past a structured assay and having a plan to prevent and a plan of what should do if an attack should occur. Basically, it's a matter of role playing in your heed the bad guy and wait at your own vulnerabilities and what his plan of set on would exist. Then, you flip the switch in your listen to address how to counter that. The author is exceptionally well versed in security and he tries to instruct the typical denizen equally to how to become about taking ownership for the security of himself and those around him rather than but assume others will take care of everything. More than sensation would atomic number 82 to less incidents of that nature. The author repeats himself oftentimes through the book. He explains that by doing and so, the reader will better larn the approach to take. ...more
Apr 06, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Gilliam is a former Navy SEAL, FBI agent, federal air marshal, private security contractor, public speaker and media commentator. With the recent increases in violent attacks around the world, he expresses not only his dismay in how many people take no responsibleness for their own prophylactic, merely offers uncomplicated and constructive eye-opening techniques that anyone can use to improve their odds of surviving an attack or simply becoming a crime victim. Most people practice non see themselves as possible targets o Gilliam is a former Navy SEAL, FBI agent, federal air marshal, private security contractor, public speaker and media commentator. With the recent increases in violent attacks around the world, he expresses not just his dismay in how many people take no responsibility for their ain safety, just offers simple and effective eye-opening techniques that anyone tin can use to improve their odds of surviving an attack or simply condign a crime victim. Well-nigh people practice not see themselves as possible targets or 'prey', and but freeze if they find themselves in such a situation. Gilliam guides the reader on how to identify critical times, places, and vulnerabilities ahead of time, then that defenses against each of these vulnerabilities can be made. The average reader begins to look around at his or her environs in a new mode, taking 'situational awareness' and building upon it. Accompanied by aplenty real-life case studies, this volume is highly recommended for all. ...more
Feb sixteen, 2018 rated information technology actually liked information technology
I showtime heard Mr Gilliam speak on a talk radio interview and was intrigued past what he was saying. I was glad he write a book and immediately ordered it and brought it on holiday in Florida. I just finished the book when we had the mass shooting hither in Parkland Florida! An immediate horrific instance of what this book is all about, preventing or managing these situations. Well written and intentionally repetitive to allow the bulletin to sink in. I'chiliad glad I read it and have shared a lot of sectio I beginning heard Mr Gilliam speak on a talk radio interview and was intrigued by what he was saying. I was glad he write a book and immediately ordered information technology and brought information technology on vacation in Florida. I just finished the book when we had the mass shooting here in Parkland Florida! An immediate horrific example of what this book is all well-nigh, preventing or managing these situations. Well written and intentionally repetitive to allow the message to sink in. I'm glad I read it and have shared a lot of sections with my wife. She is already alert and worried about bad things or situations happening and I used to be guilty of learned helplessness! Non anymore! I'g a catechumen of the Set on and Defend Technique! Nice chore! ...more than
Terry Spangler
Increased my situational sensation to a higher level!

Attack and defend is the most important lesson of this book and as a prior Military machine Policeman, I take gained better insight to my daily routine, besides as my hereafter travel plans. Well written and very easy to implement the recommendations and strategies by the author. The case studies are intrinsic to the bailiwick. Everyone should read this volume and change their behavior for everyone's benefit.

Increased my situational awareness to a college level!

Attack and defend is the most important lesson of this book and as a prior Armed services Policeman, I have gained better insight to my daily routine, as well every bit my future travel plans. Well written and very easy to implement the recommendations and strategies by the author. The example studies are intrinsic to the discipline. Everyone should read this book and alter their behavior for anybody'south do good.

Bonnie Brown
Aug 22, 2018 rated it actually liked it
It took me a long time to read because , frankly, it's tedious. But I'grand glad I read information technology to the terminate considering it has a lot of very skillful data in it that anybody should be enlightened of, hence the 4 star review. I felt like, if we followed all of the advice, it would plough you into a paranoid person, constantly looking over your shoulder. But that being said you tin can accept the advice to any level y'all experience comfortable with.
Feb 02, 2018 rated it actually liked information technology
very informative book on how to meet the heed fix of an attacker and how you can protect yourself by thinking as the attacker would when he is planning an attack and acting accordingly. If yous are concerned with your safety in dissimilar settings this might be worth a read.
Rayfes Mondal
Excellent advice about sensation, thinking like an aggressor, knowing your escape road at all times, and researching areas before going on trips. Also, consider how your home or your daily routine could be vulnerable. I appreciate the author's advice only this could have been much shorter. Splendid advice nearly sensation, thinking similar an attacker, knowing your escape road at all times, and researching areas earlier going on trips. Also, consider how your domicile or your daily routine could be vulnerable. I appreciate the writer'due south advice but this could have been much shorter. ...more than
May nineteen, 2018 rated it liked it
Expert perspective that anybody should be exposed to.
The writing was okay, and many of his personal stories and some of the case stories weren't relevant to his points. Despite that, I would recommend the volume.
Nov 26, 2018 rated information technology really liked it
Increment your awareness today by reading this book. I never thought nigh things in such a manner until I read Gilliam's sheep no more. I highly recommend not just reading this but gifting it to someone you retrieve volition benefit from information technology.
January 21, 2022 rated it it was amazing
Excellent book for learning to exist aware of your surroundings and having a plan to run, hide, fight and assessing which of those options work all-time in a given situation. I intend to read it again for the information I missed. I will be using this info
Was hoping for more than simply this book fell short.
Mar 25, 2018 rated it liked it
Useful information. Too wordy. Could've been a pamphlet.
Mary Doss
May 04, 2018 rated information technology it was astonishing
wow! change your view of life and attitude - read this book and get more alarm, enlightened and self sustaining. Nosotros walk around every bit victim or awaiting to be hurt.
Katie Sullivan
This would be a skilful book for someone with no common sense.
Rick Davis
Good data for everyone to know how to protect themselves.
Feb 12, 2019 rated it it was ok
Wasn't really my cup of tea. It reminds me of the G. Gordon Liddy volume, Fight Back. I didn't especially like that 1 either Wasn't actually my loving cup of tea. It reminds me of the G. Gordon Liddy book, Fight Back. I didn't specially like that ane either ...more
Roberta Wall
It is common sense ans he talks about himself too much
Sep 22, 2019 rated information technology it was amazing
Smashing book! It will open your eyes and make you think differently
Richard A. King

A well thought out and presented argument for becoming more aware of our environs. What if information technology changed our state? Well worth your consideration.

Phillip Shapiro
Proficient listen, all about situational awareness, learned a few good points 💪🎶 #audiobooks #audibleapp
james soileau
Be vigilant

Be aware, learn your weaknesses, square up those, help others. Great read and very recommended yo others to read and exist aware

Jun eleven, 2021 rated it information technology was amazing
Oh man, SUCH a good book for getting you to think like an attacker and be prepared for any scenario.

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